Article 1 Definitions
1. Natalia Reso Coaching, established in Amsterdam, Chamber of Commerce number, 86500791, is referred to as a service provider in these general terms and conditions.
2. The other party is referred to as Client in these general terms and conditions.
3. The agreement means the agreement of the assignment on the basis of which the service provider performs work for the client against payment and whereby the general terms and conditions have been declared applicable.

Article 2 Applicability
These general terms and conditions apply to all oral and written offers and agreements of or with and all related acts, both preparatory and executive.

Natalia Reso Coaching reserves the right to change or supplement these general terms and conditions. Changes of minor importance can be made at any time. If the Client does not wish to accept a change, it can terminate the Agreement by this date until the date on which the new terms and conditions take effect.

Article 3 The agreement
All quotations for natural persons are without obligation, unless a term for acceptance has been set in the quotation; for legal entities, the offers are valid for fourteen (14) days. The Agreement is concluded by timely acceptance of the offer by the Client. If Natalia Reso Coaching sends the Client an Order Confirmation, this will be decisive for the content and explanation of the Agreement, subject to obvious typing errors. Natalia Reso Coaching cannot be held to its offer if the Client can reasonably understand that the offer, or a part thereof, contains an obvious mistake or error.

If the acceptance deviates (whether or not on minor points) from the offer included in the quotation or offer, Natalia Reso Coaching is not bound by it. The Agreement will then not be concluded in accordance with this deviating acceptance, unless Natalia Reso Coaching indicates otherwise.

Any notes and reactions from the Client to Natalia Reso Coaching's quotation do not form part of the Agreement, unless Natalia Reso Coaching confirms this in writing.

Article 4 Execution of the agreement
Natalia Reso Coaching will execute the agreement to the best of its knowledge and ability. Natalia Reso Coaching has a best efforts obligation towards the execution of the agreement and can therefore not be held liable on the basis of an obligation of result. By confirming the agreement and these general terms and conditions, the client gives permission to use its name and address details plus telephone number for recording in the customer database of the contractor for administrative purposes. The client will ensure that all information, which the client indicates is necessary or which the client should reasonably understand is necessary for the execution of the agreement, is provided to the contractor in a timely manner. If this information is not provided in time, the contractor reserves the right to suspend the performance of the agreement.

Article 5 Suspension, dissolution and premature termination of the Agreement
The duration of the coaching process as laid down in the agreement between the client and the contractor can be terminated or extended by both parties at any time by mutual consent.

Termination of the coaching process can take place unilaterally by the client if he/she no longer appreciates or deems the treatment necessary. Termination of the agreement does not affect the financial obligations that still have to be fulfilled.

Article 6 Force majeure
Natalia Reso Coaching is not obliged to fulfill any obligation towards the Client if it is prevented from doing so as a result of a circumstance that cannot be attributed to fault, nor under the law, a legal act or generally accepted views for her account.

In these general terms and conditions, force majeure is understood to mean, in addition to what is understood in this respect by law and jurisprudence, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which Natalia Reso Coaching cannot exert any influence, but as a result of which Natalia Reso Coaching cannot able to fulfill its obligations. Natalia Reso Coaching also has the right to invoke force majeure if the circumstance that prevents (further) fulfillment of the Agreement occurs after Natalia Reso Coaching should have fulfilled its obligation.

Natalia Reso Coaching can suspend the obligations under the Agreement during the period that the force majeure continues. If this period lasts longer than two months, then each of the parties is entitled to dissolve the Agreement, without any obligation to pay damages to the other party.

Article 7 Cancellation and rescheduling of Appointments
Cancellation by Client
A: The client is obliged to inform Natalia Reso Coaching of any cancellation or change in writing. In the event of cancellation of a registration by the Client, the Client and Natalia Reso Coaching will first consult to come to suitable alternatives, such as choosing another date for the planned Services.

B: If no suitable alternatives are possible, the following cancellation conditions apply. In case of cancellation after registration of a training, coaching program or other service, the cancellation costs are 100%. Even if a payment arrangement has been agreed, the client is obliged to pay any outstanding installments. The Client always has a legal cooling-off period of fourteen (14) working days, starting on the day after the Service has been ordered.

Cancellation by Natalia Reso Coaching
A: Natalia Reso Coaching reserves the right to cancel Appointments or to refuse a Client. Natalia Reso Coaching undertakes to confirm the cancellation or refusal in writing and in that case will refund 100% of the amount paid by the Client up to that point.

If the Client cancels the Appointment within 24 hours before the relevant Appointment or is not present without notice, Natalia Reso Coaching will charge the costs. If the appointment has been paid in advance, the costs will not be refunded and the appointment cannot be made up. If the Client does not appear for a scheduled Appointment, the costs for the Appointment will be charged. Appointments can be moved 24 hours in advance within the term of the assignment.

Article 8 Terms of payment
Invoicing takes place as indicated in the attached agreement. Payment takes place in mutual consultation between the client and the contractor. The client receives an invoice (declaration) from the contractor, and payment must be made by transferring the total amount indicated in the invoice sent to the client by email. Payment is made through the Stripe platform. The payment term used for a coaching program is 14 days after the invoice date. In the event of late payment or failure to make payment, the client is in default by operation of law and the contractor reserves the right to terminate the performance of the agreement with immediate effect. From that moment onwards, the client also owes statutory interest on the outstanding amount. If the contractor hands over the claim for collection, the client will also owe the judicial and extrajudicial costs involved in this collection. In the event of any objections regarding the invoice, the client must inform the contractor of this in writing within two weeks after receipt of the invoice.

Article 9 Liability
The contractor's liability is limited to the invoice value of the assignment, or at least that part of the assignment to which the liability relates. Natalia Reso Coaching is not liable for direct or indirect damage that the client suffers as a result of actions or decisions taken as a result of or during a coaching session. The client (or client) remains responsible at all times for the choices made.

Article 10 Confidentiality
Conversations between the Client or client and Natalia Reso Coaching are regarded as strictly confidential. Information is considered confidential if this has been communicated by the Client or if this ensues from the nature of the information.

Article 11 Intellectual property
All exercises, programs, models and other materials or documents of any kind issued in support of the coaching process remain the intellectual property of Natalia Reso Coaching at all times. In case of use other than exclusively personal use by the Client or client, this will be invoiced separately afterwards as the sale of training material.